Theme: Shoes
We received 3039 cartoons of 798 participants from 78 different countries.
70% of the participants lives in Europe, 20% in Asia, 5% in South-America, 4% in North-America and 1% in Africa.
The jury awarded the following cartoonists:
1st prize: Alessandro Gatto (Italy)
2nd prize: Pol Leurs (Luxembourg)
3rd prize: Agim Sulaj (Italy)
* Best European entry: Zygmunt Zaradkiewicz (Poland)
* Best Belgian entry: Constantin Sunnerberg (Belgium)
* Prize of the ECC: Ross Thomson (UK)
* Prize of the citizens of Kruishoutem: Grigori Katz (Palestine Occupied)
* Honourable mention: Valery Momot (Ukraine)
* Honourable mention: Ludo Goderis (Belgium)
* Honourable mention: Tony Tasco (Belgium)
* Cover award: Angel Ramiro Zapata Mora (Colombia)